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The Learning Needs

The scientific planning committee identified a gap in the knowledge of anatomical illustration of middle and inner ear with basic physiology of each part of ear and the common pathology in middle and inner ear


The Learning Outcomes

The scientific planning committee identified a gap in the knowledge of anatomical illustration of middle and inner ear with basic physiology of each part of ear and the common pathology in middle and inner ear


The Learning Objectives

To Identify the basic anatomy and physiology of middle and inner ear

To demonstrate the Common inner ear pathology & middle ear pathology


Methods of Education to Achieve the Objectives

Participant will watch videos  , then after that, will be given questions to answers for evaluation for enhancement in the learning process


Evaluation of Scientific Activity by the Participants

Evaluation form be send to participants after course. It is important to know , it is mandatory to get certification


Target Audience

ENT Resident



Dr. Hassan Al-Assiry

Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Facial Plastic Surgeon
 and has conducted in many scientific researches. 
Dr. Hassan has obtained many certifications as 
an instructor in courses specialized in ENT


Course Authorization

Saudi Commission for Health Specialties : Under process


Features of Watching

It can be viewed anywhere and anytime - Easy to view from your Phone

Get a Certificate after Watching it in full and Pass Exam for Assessment

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Test Test

07 ديسمبر 2023
هل هناك مزيد من الدورات بهذا التخصص
2 weeks ago

نورا العنزي

ممتازه بس لو الشرح على سلايدز ازين
2 months ago

Omar Ghadir

4 months ago

Ghada khalid.

6 months ago

Abdullah Alsalooli

6 months ago

Waleed Alghuyaythat

6 months ago

احمد الرزقي

6 months ago

Suliman Alotaieq

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Talal Alharbi

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Maali Alshammeri

6 months ago


7 months ago

Hamed Ibrahim Hamed

7 months ago

Hamed Ibrahim Hamed

7 months ago

Hamed Ibrahim Hamed

7 months ago

Hamed Ibrahim Hamed

7 months ago

Hamed Ibrahim Hamed

7 months ago

Hamed Ibrahim Hamed

7 months ago

Hamed Ibrahim Hamed

10 months ago

Test Test

دورة مميزة جدا